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Logo_KuibyshevAzotAccording to press-centre KuibyshevAzot JSC (Togliatti, Samara region), in 2012, due to the deterioration of price situation in caprolactam and polyamide world markets, and the decrease in production volumes due to scheduled stopping overhauls, company revenues decreased by 9.2% to EUR 698 million, net income decreased to EUR 64 million.

The output of major products was as follows:

  • ammonia – 569 kt, or 87.7% comparing with the results of 2011
  • ammonium nitrate – 534.8 kt (97.1%)
  • urea – 308.3 kt (88.2%)
  • ammonium sulfate – 469 kt (97.8%)
  • caprolactam – 184.6 kt (96.1%)
  • polyamide-6 – 116.7 kt(82.2%)
  • technical and cord yarn – 13.5 kt (99.6%)
  • cord fabric – 6.5 kt (122.8%)

In 2012 implementation of priority directions of company’s development, work on technical re-equipment and renovation of fixed production assets was continued.

There was started ammonium sulfate compaction plant. KuibyshevAzot JSC became the first Russian enterprise producing this fertilizer in a form, which fully complies with the requirements of modern agricultural technologies.

In order to improve production efficiency, increase output and reduce impact on the environment a number of serious technical measures has been taken. Ammonia shop went through modernization of syngas and air compressors, what increased reliability of their work and allowed to reduce power consumption. Nitrogen oxide emissions have been decreased. There was started a cooling system of air upstream the prilling towers fluid bed vessels at the ammonium nitrate production, resulting in growth of output in the summer period and ammonium nitrate quality.

Third soda melt crystallizing table was commissioned, what allowed to increase production of commercial soda ash significantly and reduce emissions of pollutants. Fire-fighting and signalizing systems of cyclohexanone shop were reconstructed.

Many projects are underway. Reconstruction of rectification section at the production of caprolactam has been started. Construction of treatment facilities for industrial and storm discharge of the Northern hub and Central district of Togliatti is in progress. Mounting of juice steam condensate cleaning plant in the ammonium nitrate production is coming to the end. There is a preparation for the construction of a universal complete line to increase the production of nitric acid and reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides.

There are projects aimed to ensure long-term development of KuibyshevAzot JSC and maintain market positions of the company in the face of increasing competition.

Construction of cord fabric dipping plant has been started. Designing stage is coming to the end and main contracts for the supply of the equipment for a new energy efficient production of cyclohexanone have been concluded. Negotiations on establishing of a joint ammonia production with German company Linde Group are in progress.

In accordance with the company’s strategic program on import substitution and increase of recycling of caprolactam and polyamide in Russia, subsidiary’s enterprises producing technical, textile yarn and cord fabric in Kursk and textiles fabrics in Balashov are under reconstruction.

Totally for construction and technical re-equipment was spent EUR 34.7 million, overhaul of factory facilities – EUR 49.3 million. Thus, for the modernization of the enterprise was spent EUR 83.6 million.

In 2012 company continued to implement policy ensuring social security of the personnel. In total, for social development of KuibyshevAzot JSC was spent EUR 5.1 million.

Tax deductions of the enterprise in different level budgets amounted EUR 46.7 million.

8 February 2013