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Managers and executives of Salavatnefteorgsintez JSC (SNOS) and its affiliates met to discuss industrial safety and labour protection issues, says Press Service company.

I Corporate Conference of Salavatnefteorgsintez Managers and Executives focused on labor and health protection of the employees, technical diagnosis and expert examination of industrial safety, fire protection, risks identification and management and environmental safety measures for petrochemical enterprises.

The Industrial Safety and Labour Protection Conference became a full-scale forum for communication and sharing of experience for Salavat petrochemists and the Bashkir Experts’ Association, the Urals Department of the Federal Service for Environment, Technology and Nuclear Oversight, the State Labour Inspection in RB, Regional Office №20 of the Federal Bio-Medical Agency of Russia, the Ministry for Natural Resources and Ecology of RB, the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University and the Ufa Research and Development Establishment for Occupational Medicine and Human Ecology.

One of main topics was SNOS’s changeover to a transparent occupational risks management system which is to underlie the employees’ health and life preservation. At present, regular targeted basic compliance assessment is replaced by the raid system of continuous 24/7 monitoring of industrial safety and labour protection. As prescribed by regulations, all personnel of SNOS and its contractors are obliged to pass the personnel appraisal procedure. Besides, in the nearest future, the documents will come into force that focus on increasing personal responsibility in compliance with industrial safety and labour protection standards – the Provisions on Production Supervision and the Provisions on Regulations Violation.

Many participants emphasized the role of the conference in prompting cooperation of the Company’s operating structures with the environmental and industrial safety and labour protection department and various organizations which will facilitate settling industrial safety and labour protection issues.

15 November 2010