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Commissioning of the two-filter presses and 4 slurry clarifiers at the Black Filtration stage at Crimea TITAN CJSC (Armyansk, Ukraine) has started. It is the successful experience of the Moore filters in TITAN-2 workshop at the white filtration stage that set the impulse to further development and perfecting of TiO2 production process, says press service company.

In the year 2005 technicians and management of Crimea TITAN CJSC made a decision to replace out-of-date drum vacuum-filters with the modern fully automated filter-presses.

Total cost of the equipment and installation works amounted to USD 18.5 mln. Start-up of two-filter presses at the post-treatment stage allowed workshop production capacity to be increased from 40 thsn.t/year to 60 thsn.t/year and improved the process of leaching of titanium dioxide suspension from water-soluble salts. Modernization of the black filtration site in the Titan-2 workshop will allow to decrease acid waste amount at this stage by 70-80%, wood flour consumption by 85-90%, and energy resources expenditure (gas, steam, power) by 40-50%. Switching over to fully automated black filtration process will eliminate human factor impact as much as possible which will improve consistency of quality of black liquor solutions, and increase site capacity with drastic reduction of the amount of vapors released in the working area.

By the end of this year titanium dioxide production capacity is expected to reach 105 thsn.t to become the highest in the history of the factory (the previous record was reached in 2008 – 90289 tons).


Crimea TITAN CJSC is situated in the northern part of Crimea peninsula near its border with Kherson region (Ukraine), in the narrowest part of Crimean isthmus, on the shore of Sivash lakes, which is only 7 km away from Karakinitsky gulf of the Black Sea. It occupies the territory of 4 785 hectares.

Situated in a steppe, Armyansk with its population of 26 000 thousand is a satellite town of the company. The company and the town are in a close interconnection with each other.

Crimea TITAN CJSC is a part of International Holding OstChem.

Crimea TITAN CJSC is the biggest Eastern European titanium dioxide producer. The main activity of the company consists in manufacturing such pigment titanium dioxide grades as Crimea TiOx-220, Crimea TiOx-230, which main application is for paintwork materials and mechanical rubber goods industries, for plastics making and in many other industries. Moreover, brand new Crimea TiOx-270 and Crimea TiOx-280 have been developed. They are applied for making paintwork materials, coatings with high atmosphere resistance and good decorative properties and also for printing ink manufacturing. Titanium dioxide sales amount to 90% of total sales volume. Titanium dioxide is manufactured in two production workshops, “Titan-1″ and “Titan-2″, with annual output of 40 thousand tons each.

The company also produces other types of chemical products (iron oxide pigments, mineral fertilizers, sulphuric acid, aluminum sulphate, sodium aluminate, Sodium silicate, iron vitriol, phosphogypsum).

The average number of employees was 4953 people.

16 November 2010